Former prisoner passes down available life lessons to students
Former prisoner passes down available life lessons to students
Former prisoner passes down available life lessons to students
Editor’s Note: Candidates seeking elected office on the city council and the school district board in the May 4 elections have the opportunity to write up their own announcements of 300-400 words. Below is Lamesa City Council District 4 member Danny Jacobs’ announcement.
The good news is the number of Texas counties living under burn bans diminished by one.
Klondike school district board members, in two separate 6-0 unanimous votes, agreed Jan. 18 to not only begin work on replacing the football field’s grassy turf with artificial turf, but also to extend the school superintendent’s contract for another year.
My friend Rex Tackett, as community-minded as anyone I’ve ever known, is admired for always taking the high road, and-when necessary--the high wire as well.
My dad turned 90 this weekend, and we were all set to drive up north to celebrate his birthday.
Clay Center, Kansas – There are millions of people carrying such heavy burdens all across our world. They cannot sleep at night and wake up tired. They have regular appointments with their counselors. Hobbies and exercise are strategies to find relief.
City council member Bobby Gonzales became the latest incumbent to file in the city’s May 4 election.
Mesa Underground Water Conservation District (Mesa UWCD) directors Wednesday appointed a new member to fill a vacant spot while hedging their bets about the possibility of conducting a May 4 election.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331