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Utah’s landscape, petroglyphs draw attention

Utah’s landscape, petroglyphs draw attention

Utah is the home of some of the most scenic land and most popular National Parks. Zion and Arches have become internationally famous, so much so that now you have to go on line to get a time slot to enter during the warmer months. Gone are the days of just making a decision to go visit on a weekend at the last moment.

Time to check livestock’s trace mineral levels

Texas A&M AgrilLife Trace minerals play an important role in livestock health. They aid in bodily functions, production of offspring and an animal’s overall wellbeing. A Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, TVMDL, expert said despite their importance, trace mineral imbalances are easy to overlook — at least until a health issue occurs.

National Peanut Board wins grower support with 93% approval in Referendum

National Peanut Board Peanut producers voted overwhelmingly to continue the Peanut Promotion, Research, and Information Program, administered by the National Peanut Board (NPB), in a referendum conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from April 8-19, 2024. Results show that 93.23% of voting farmers said “yes” to continuing NPB’s research, marketing and promotion program.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

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Lamesa, TX 79331