Thanks for the blessing of giving
For almost a half century now, I have made a living delivering speeches all over the world. The best part of the professional speaking business is I also get to
For almost a half century now, I have made a living delivering speeches all over the world. The best part of the professional speaking business is I also get to
Contributions for the local Lights of Love program are now being accepted at 15 locations in Lamesa. The Lights of Love effort provides Christmas gifts for children of needy families
Santa Claus will be taking time out of his busy schedule to appear at the Dawson County Public Library during its open house on Dec. 2 from 4:30 p.m. to
The finish line for the 2019 Texas High Plains cotton harvest is coming into view, and many growers simply are looking to put this year behind them and move toward
With the holiday shopping season upon us, whether you’re taking advantage of a sale to purchase something for yourself or satisfying a loved one’s Christmas wish list, Plains Cotton Growers
Cotton is sensitive to water stress at different growth stages, needing water at specific times to produce a high-yielding crop. A Texas A&M AgriLife Research study investigated the best strategies
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) began mailing ballots on Nov. 4 to eligible farmers and ranchers across the country for the Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committee elections. County
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced on Thursday it is awarding more than $1.4 million to fund three pilot projects to control feral swine in Texas. These projects are
A traditional, Texas-style Thanksgiving dinner for 10 will cost $48.01 this year, down 48 cents, according to the special Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) Thanksgiving Meal Report. The survey records the
Lubbock district Game Wardens will be dedicating extra patrol hours and state assets to the mule deer season in southwestern panhandle counties and running this year from Nov. 23 to
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331