LISD board cancels Thursday meeting
Lamesa Independent School District board members canceled their Thursday night meeting.
Lamesa Independent School District board members canceled their Thursday night meeting.
The trend continues when it comes to this month’s sales tax allocations to the county and the city.
Want to get a little exercise and support a great cause while painting the town purple?
Transportation is a major set back for the Third World. Countries like Malawi have poor road conditions, expensive gasoline, battered vehicles, and an assortment of green energy alternatives. The first of which is walking.
O ur cat, Felix, traveled up north with us for the first time, to visit my parents and their cat, Katie.
The Pastor of one of America’s largest churches said in a sermon, “God is way into you. Do you think there’s anything you can do to cause Him to stop loving you?” Statements like this can encourage and arm people. But it is incomplete. It exalts the virtues of the love of God but is void of the justice of God. It is written about Jesus, the original source of the love of God, that “…whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.” (John 3:36) Wrath of God? The phrase is uncomfortable. It does not fit the idea most people have of who Jesus is. We talk about the love of Jesus and the love of God, but the wrath of God?
Be on the lookout for an especially nasty and tenacious biting insect pest – the horsefly – as it hunts for its next blood meal.
Hay season is underway, and farmers and ranchers say the outlook is promising.
Drought conditions haven’t yet released their grip on Far West Texas.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331