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Dolores Hernandez

    Funeral services for Dolores Samora Hernandez, age 65, of Lamesa, TX., will be held at 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at Gonzales Funeral Home Chapel with the Pastor Lee Iglesias officiating. 
    Burial committal will follow to the Dawson County Cemetery. Funeral arrangements are under the care and direction of Gonzales Funeral Home.
    Dolores passed away on Friday, January 28, 2022 in Lamesa. 
    She was born on April 4, 1956 in Lamesa. Dolores married David Hernandez on September 20, 2003 in Lamesa.
    Viewing and visitation will be held on Sunday, January 30, 2022 and Monday, January 31, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m., with Inspirational services starting at 7:00 p.m.  at Gonzales Funeral Home.
    Dolores was preceded in death by her parents, Frank and Jovita Samora; her brother, San Pio Samora; her sister, Maria S. Pesina.
    Dolores loved gathering with family, playing on her phone, and gambling. She enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren, family and her husband. Dolores had a passion for dancing.
    Dolores is survived by her loving family, her husband, David Hernandez of Lamesa; her daughters, Annie Gonzalez (Danny Garcia) of Lubbock, TX., Joann Samora (David) of Levelland, TX., Norma Guerrero (Ernie) of Dallas, TX., Melissa Williams of Levelland, TX., Melinda Brooks (Ernest), and Sue Ann Henandez, all of Lamesa, TX.; her step-sons, Lee David De La Rosa (Mary Lou) of Ackerly, TX., and Arthur Hernandez (Stephanie) of Plains, TX.; her step-daughters, Sonia Hernandez, and Angelica Hernandez, both of Plains, TX.; her brother, Lupe Samora (Maria) of Lubbock, TX.; her sisters, Luisa Rivas (Gil), and Martina Samora (Charlie), all of Lamesa, TX., and Brigida Kennedy of Bethany, OK; 26 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren; numerous relatives, and friends.
    Honoring Dolores as her pallbearers are, Mark Anthony Rodriguez, Lee David De La Rosa, Arthur Hernandez, Dezvahn Brooks, Derique Brooks, Jesaiah Hernandez.
    To send condolences online please visit us at
– Press-Reporter obituary services

Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331