Coming Soon
Blu Ray
“Captain Phillips,” based on a true story with Tom Hanks. “The Hunger Games,” with Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. “Ender’s Game,” with Harrison Ford and Asa Butterfield. “Grease,” with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. “Nebraska,” with Bruce Dern and Will Forte. “The Pelican Brief,” with Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington. “Homefront,” with Jason Statham and James Franco. “The Lone Ranger,” with Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer. “Red 2,” with Bruce Willis and John Malkovich. “Side Effects,” with Jude Law and Rooney Mara. “Gangster Squad,” with Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling. “The Lost Medallion,” with Billy Unger and Sammi ...