Church shooting has local impact
“He died ‘so that others might live,’” stated the bold headline on the front page of Friday’s Fort Worth Star-Telegram. That headline was referring to 67-year-old Richard White of River
“He died ‘so that others might live,’” stated the bold headline on the front page of Friday’s Fort Worth Star-Telegram. That headline was referring to 67-year-old Richard White of River
After directing Lamesa’s big annual Chicken Fried Steak Festival for eight of its first nine years, Terri Stahl is stepping down from that role, according to City Manager Shawna Burkhart.
An overloaded electrical power strip is being blamed as the cause of a Friday morning fire which displaced two people and virtually destroyed the inside of a Lamesa residence. No
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department: Friday, Dec. 27 12:25 a.m. – A male was arrested after a police officer was flagged
Lamesa firefighters Kevin Henricks and Levi Roberts head inside to search for the source of a fire that heavility damaged a residence at 1008 N. 1st Street about 8:25 a.m.
The monthly Teen Court session will be Monday, Jan. 13, according to Shelley Barron, Teen Court coordinator. Pre-trial conferences for defendants and parents will be at 5 p.m. at the
The annual Southern Mesa Agriculture Conference, sponsored by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, has been scheduled for Jan. 14 at the Forrest Park Community Center in Lamesa. Those planning
TEDC project could boost new housing inventory in Tahoka TAHOKA – The possibility of new housing on lots currently empty in Tahoka is being targeted through a new project initiated
Farmers are aware of the benefits of soil health. However, the difficulty in quantifying soil health, diminishing availability of land that results in higher land prices, the time necessary to
Cotton growers have a new resource to help determine their seed cotton Price Loss Coverage (PLC) payment rate per base acre. The Seed Cotton PLC Payment Matrix is a helpful
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331