LHS culinary program enjoying new facilities
Lamesa High School culinary teacher Kevin Pedroza says his classes and kitchens finally found a permanent home as part of the school’s Career and Technology Education (CTE) facilities.
Lamesa High School culinary teacher Kevin Pedroza says his classes and kitchens finally found a permanent home as part of the school’s Career and Technology Education (CTE) facilities.
Local FFA and 4-H students walked away with a combined total of $128,500 in earnings from bidders on their prize-winning animals on Saturday during the final day of the annual Dawson County Junior Livestock Show and Auction at the LeeRoy Colgan Fair Barn.
The number of new COVID cases reported here during the past week more than doubled that of the previous week, according to the South Plains Public Health District.
Having already classed more than a million samples of the 2021 crop, the USDA’s Lamesa cotton classing office has been recognized for its work with the 2020 crop.
Only a few more days remain for anyone to donate t the Dawson County United Fund before the 2021 drive ends.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Kirk Tidwell (fourth from left), president of the Lamesa Cotton Growers organization, presented a certifi cate of recognition Monday morning to Ralph Cummings, district director of the USDA’s cotton classing offi ce in Lamesa, in recognition of the local facility being designated the USDA’s top performing classing offi ce for the 2020 crop year. The pre- sentation was made while Darryl Earnest (fourth from right), deputy administrator for the cotton and tobacco program of the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, was visiting the local offi ce. Other Lamesa Cotton Growers offi cials on hand for the presentation were Johnny Todd, Rusty Cozart, Jerry Harris, Glen Phipps, Matt Farmer and Kevin Pepper. LPR photo
City crews are continuing to pick up leaves collected from the yards of local residences, but the resident must contact the city to request the service.
Klondike school board members will be holding a hearing on a financial report from the state as part of their regular meeting Thursday evening.
Howard College campuses, including the one in Lamesa, will temporarily move to a virtual course delivery mode in some courses for the first two weeks of classes, due to the recent surge in COVID-19 confirmations.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331