After participating in the halftime show at Friday night’s football game here, members of the Golden Tornado Band’s brass section continued putting on a show from the stands during the second half of the game.
After participating in the halftime show at Friday night’s football game here, members of the Golden Tornado Band’s brass section continued putting on a show from the stands during the second half of the game.
Dawson County currently has almost as many active COVID cases as the other four counties combined in the South Plains Public Health District (SPPHD).
Completed about the end of the school year last spring, Klondike’s new concession/bathroom facility at the north end of the football field, along with a large new field house nearby, made their public debut when the Cougars hosted Loraine in six-man football competition on Friday night.
County elections department director Ashley Rodriguez has her hands full.
Students at Sands High School in Ackerly will enjoy a week of dress-up days leading up to homecoming on Friday.
Permits for two pairs of horizontal oil drilling ventures in the Ackerly area have been approved during the past few weeks by the Texas Railroad Commission.
Dawson County Hospital District (DCHD) board members on Tuesday will discuss the next move in the search for a new chief executive officer (CEO).
The possible hiring of a school marshal is one of the few items slated for action during the Klondike school board’s regular meeting on Monday evening.
Lamesa’s South and North elementary schools soon will be serving not only students but their grandparents as well this week.
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