FCCLA cooking turkey dinners
Local residents can get an early taste of Thanksgiving this weekend during a fundraiser planned by Lamesa High School’s chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
Local residents can get an early taste of Thanksgiving this weekend during a fundraiser planned by Lamesa High School’s chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
This month’s distribution from the Feed One Food Bank at First Baptist Church is scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday outside the church gymnasium.
After approving the purchase last month, Klondike school board members are expected to take action Monday to formalize the purchase of about five acres of land adjacent to the school.
Lights of Love, an organization which works each year to help families have gifts under the Christmas tree, is now accepting applications from families needing help in making the season a little brighter.
The rainfall deficit has brought more than dry air across the Lone Star State this year. Farmers and ranchers have also felt the sting of limited grazing, a shortage of hay and increasing costs for the remaining feedstuffs available.
Wheat prices are high, and weather and market factors could make the crop an attractive option for Texas growers coming out of a severe drought, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert.
Cotton producers, independent crop consultants and students who register for the 2023 Beltwide Cotton Conferences (BWCC) before Dec. 14 can take advantage of reduced registration fees of $80. After that date, the rate will increase to $100.
The names of North Elementary School honor roll students have been announced for the first nineweek grading period.
Midland-based Reliance Energy recently received permits from the Texas Railroad Commission to drill a pair of horizontal wells in the Klondike area of Dawson County.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331