Eagles’ homecoming week begins Monday
The O’Donnell Eagles will play will play the Springlake-Earth Wolverines at 7:30 p.m. Friday in O’Donnell High School’s annual homecoming football game.
Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses have recently been issued here to the following couples:
•Joe Manuel Lopez, 42, and Lisa Cantu Soto, 45, on July 28;
School Menus
No school Tuesday
Pre-K/ Elementary Breakfast: Maple sausage pancake and string cheese, orange, apple juice
Senior Citizens
Monday: Closed in observance of labor day
Tuesday: Vegetable beef stew, tossed salad and dessert
Chamber offering help with 2020 Census questionnaire
Local residents who need help in completing their 2020 Census questionnaire can get assistance here this coming week.
Extension Service offering ‘Be Well, Live Well’ series
New retirees and active older adults can participate a new series, “Be Well, Live Well,” free of charge through the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
The following memorial donations to the Dal Paso Museum have been received during the past month: