COVID-19 case tally now 1,429
As “The Year of COVID” was nearing its end, the total case count among Dawson County residents stood at 1,422.
Stock show opens Wednesday
The annual Dawson County Junior Livestock Show begins Wednesday and doesn’t end until the animal auction Saturday at the LeeRoy Colgan Fair Barn.
Cattle brands still important identifiers
Many may think that stealing livestock dissolved when the ways of the Wild West ended. However, there are about 1,000 agriculture crime cases each year related to livestock and agriculture assets.
Police Blotter
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Thursday, Dec. 24
Tiered system in place for administration of vaccine
Two federal agencies are recommending medical personnel and nursing home residents be the first to be inoculated against coronavirus.
Olympic gains?
Uncle Mort, age 108, said he was ‘locked and loaded’ to give me an earful when he called recently.
Throw out the empties
A fellow I know was grousing about the past year. His birthday was coming up and he felt, once again, that this year failed to meet his expectations.
Take one step at a time
Two things that 2020 and Covid-19 has taught us—you better like the house you live in and you better like the person with which you inhabit it.
Adding grazing to cover crops can boost farmers’ bottom line
Growing dual-purpose wheat for both grazing and grain production is an important agricultural practice in the Southern Great Plains.