County gives road director choice to pick roadway repairs
Dawson County commissioners decided Tuesday to give the roads director the option to decide which remaining county roads to do repairs.
Dawson County commissioners decided Tuesday to give the roads director the option to decide which remaining county roads to do repairs.
There wasn’t any real cause for alarm when Fire Chief Larry Duyck presented the twice monthly fire threat report to commissioners Tuesday afternoon.
They didn’t vote on it July 16, but it seems city council members could bestow the same 12 holidays offered to municipal employees during the current fiscal year.
The Simama Hotel is the tallest building in the capital city of Lilongwe, Malawi. It is four stories high and has an elevator. I took two of my friends on the elevator for the first time. Neither had ever been in the hotel. To them, this hotel is very expensive. To us, $50 a night with breakfast included is a bargain.
I’m not sure who the TV weather guy was, which city he served or exactly what he said, but if his observation passed down through the ages is even close to accurate, it still has wide application today.
Ifind myself wanting to scream at those folks who feel it is perfectly okay for their dog to poop in my yard. Dogs must poop. Pick up after them.
A former Golden Tor softball standout is now the head coach in that sport at one of the fastest high school growing schools in the state.
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