LHS classes planning reunion this summer
With organizers recently opting to cancel plans for a Golden Tornado Jubilee this coming summer due to COVID-19, a handful of LHS graduates are making plans for what they are calling a ‘mini-Jubilee’ on July 2.
Decked out with paper bunny ears and holding their baskets at the ready, these youngsters at South Elementary in Lamesa prepare for an Easter egg hunt held in front of the school on Thursday afternoon. Students scrambled for hundreds of plastic eggs fi lled with prizes as parents and family members watched and took photos.
Baby chicks popular here
Throughout the year the U.S. Postal System handles live birds coming through the mail. For local mail handlers, they are usually grown roosters or hens. Often it’s chicks, and occasionally ducklings.
It might be called an Easter egg hunt but these youngsters made it look more like an egg scramble on Thursday afternoon in front of South Elementary as numerous parents and family members watched with delight. Relaxed COVID regulations are allowing such activities to be held once again.
COVID cases inching up
Despite a steady flow of vaccine into local arms, CO- VID-19 is acting like it’s not ready to give up here just yet.
Big auto show next weekend
Although it was delayed a few months due to COVID-19, last year’s Springtime Shine Car Show drew more than 140 entries and filled up more than half of Lamesa’s downtown square.
Second-dose drive-thru clinic Tuesday
For patients who receive their first dose of Modern vaccine a month ago in a drive-thru clinic at Medica Arts Hospital (MAH), it’s time for their second shots.
Jerry Williams
Jerry Williams was a devoted husband and father who adored his wife, children, and grandchildren. His sense of humor and ornery personality were infectious. He was best known for aggravating and pestering the people he most liked and loved.