AgriLife schedules hemp field days
Three industrial hemp field programs will be held for producers on Sept. 27, Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 near Lubbock, Chillicothe and Muleshoe, respectively, by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
Three industrial hemp field programs will be held for producers on Sept. 27, Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 near Lubbock, Chillicothe and Muleshoe, respectively, by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
Proposed improvements to Highway 115 in Dawson, Gaines, Martin and Andrews counties will be the focus of a virtual public meeting scheduled by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Odessa District.
Directors of the Dawson County Hospital District have a fairly light slate of business for their meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the community room at Medical Arts Hospital.
ANDREWS – A move from the state to all online assessments for school children resulted in the need for a change in technological devices for a portion of Andrews Independent School District (AISD) elementary school aged children.
TAHOKA – People with kindness and compassion are what makes communities special, and the “community” of those who are employed at Lynn County Healthcare (LCH) System are all of that - and so much more.
SNYDER – The Scurry County museum will close to the public until further notice due to the rise in COVID cases and the deaths it has caused in this county.
STANTON – On Saturday afternoon (Sept. 18) a Stanton resident on 5th Street located a swarm of Africanized honey bees after finding his dog weeping in pain in his back yard.
Following Friday’s long road trip to Fabens, Golden Tor head football coach Joseph Hood said he couldn’t remember making a longer road trip for a high school football game.
Earlier this week, Klondike head football coach Dalton DeGraffenreid predicted a four-quarter battle for his Cougars against Buena Vista on homecoming night.
The Golden Tornadoes’ fall tennis season won’t end after they play their final two regular season matches next week.
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Lamesa, TX 79331