Lamesa Press-Reporter
Commisioners adjust interlocal agreement with city
City hasn’t responded to the alterations
Police Blotter
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
DCHD opens $3 million line of credit
Dawson County Hospital District board members agreed to open up a line of credit with a local bank for up to $3 million during the current fiscal year.
County saves $100,000 on renovation costs
When a Lubbock construction company, recommended by a county-hired architect firm, supplied a $1.3 million price for renovations to a downtown building, Dawson County commissioners thought they could do it cheaper.
City hires new municipal court judge
Little over a month after the former municipal court judge left office, city council members found his replacement. In a special meeting Tuesday, it took council members only minutes to unanimously agree to hire current city billing clerk Sonia Robles to the position.
LISD student enrollment increases by six
School officials have hoped to see student enrollment reach the 1,500 mark and the attendance rate to hit 94-percent.
LHS theater getting updates
It’s been years in the waiting, but Lamesa High School’s auditorium and theater stage are finally getting an update.
Rehearsing tragedy
What is the best way to define worry? Rehearsing tragedy is one way.
The way of cats
My husband, Peter, had never had a cat before we adopted Felix, and Felix is taking full advantage of this.