Retirement party planned for LISD
Lamesa school officials are hosting a retirement party for two South Elementary School educators starting at 4 p.m. May 17 in the Lamesa High School loft.
Lamesa school officials are hosting a retirement party for two South Elementary School educators starting at 4 p.m. May 17 in the Lamesa High School loft.
Lamesa school board members are conducting a special meeting to canvass the results from the May 6 election and swear in the newly elected officeholders.
Two educators retiring at the end of the current school year will be feted at a come-and-go reception at the school this coming Thursday, May 18.
May 25 is the deadline for purchasing the 2023 Lamesa Middle School yearbook.
Dilemma horns seemed to gore when I contemplated this week’s piece. I could have ridden (written?) off in either direction and still wound up with words to spare.
Dad and I were checking cows one morning, counting coupons.
Canvassing the votes from the May 6 election, swearing in a council member and a new mayor pro-tem; the fiscal audit and expanding the municipal landfill top the Lamesa City Council’s Tuesday agenda.
The Lamesa Boys and Girls Club is gearing up for its summer program.
Soil moisture conditions around much of the state improved slightly over recent weeks, and there is hope that drought conditions might break in time to plant row crops and enough to sustain them to harvest, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331