Cazares joins board; officers stay in place
In a special meeting Wednesday, Lamesa school board members opted to forego the closed door executive session meeting to determine board officeholders. Instead they agreed to stick with the status quo.
In a special meeting Wednesday, Lamesa school board members opted to forego the closed door executive session meeting to determine board officeholders. Instead they agreed to stick with the status quo.
In a special called meeting Tuesday, Dawson County Hospital District board members could take action on a policy for COVID-19 paid leave due to the end of the federal public health emergency.
Stephen F. Austin State University, newest member of The University of Texas System, has a storied basketball history, but in football – for a few seasons, at least – not so much.
Ihave a sticker that says “My Happy Place,” and I kept it for a while, wondering where to put it. In the end, I stuck it near my desk so I could see it while I write. I am usually happy when I’m writing.
If you take a few minutes to read any local or national news, you will find tragic stories. They often surround a person or group of people making poor moral choices that harm themselves and others.
On the eve of another drought-ridden growing season, farmers from the High Plains are asking state and national lawmakers to provide a stronger financial safety net.
Agricultural producers use a variety of trailers to carry out daily business, including trailers to haul livestock, feed, supplies and implements. Routine safety towing tips should be kept in mind before venturing out on the road, according to Jeff Fant, AgriLife Extension Disaster Assessment and Recovery agent, San Angelo.
Partnership efforts includes $1.5 million in funding
Abigail Presley graduated May 12 from South Plains College with an associate’s degree in general studies over a week before earning her high school diploma.
Now that school is out for the summer, what’s there for youngsters to do before the next academic year begins in August?
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331