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Lamesa Press-Reporter

Caterpillar in your hair, like you just don’t care

Caterpillar in your hair, like you just don’t care

Iread a quote that resonated with me on multiple levels. Upon checking it out, it originated from someone known as MrsMopar on iFunny and it went something like this: “I admire those with hairstyles. I don’t have a hairstyle, but thankfully I have hair. Most days it has zero caterpillars in it. That’s about as good as it’s going to get.”

Discussing school vouchers, commitment to education

Discussing school vouchers, commitment to education

Lamesa and Golden Tor Community, First and foremost, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take a step back and appreciate what we have been blessed with here in Lamesa: a great community full of fantastic people. I say this repeatedly, but I am beyond blessed to be a part of the Golden Tor Nation.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331