A word from the candidates......
Editor’s Note: Candidates seeking local offices in the May 4 elections are given the opportunity to write their own 300-400 word campaign announcements. Below is Pablo Vasquez’s announcement.
Editor’s Note: Candidates seeking local offices in the May 4 elections are given the opportunity to write their own 300-400 word campaign announcements. Below is Pablo Vasquez’s announcement.
Local residents will have an opportunity Monday both to view a movie and help fund improvements to Lamesa’s non-profit movie theater.
One week of early voting remains for the March 5 primary elections by both the Republican and Democratic parties.
A pesticide applicator training session is being offered here by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office in Lamesa.
The Dawson County Sheriff’s Office did not receive any complaints this past year from any person who believed they had been stopped or searched by county officers based on race or ethnic background.
Architectural plans for renovation of a downtown building into new probation offices for the county received approval Tuesday from the Dawson County Commissioners Court.
Texas’ prime grilling season is only weeks away. I await in the shadow of a conundrum, not knowing whether to mark off calendar days with giddy anticipation or be “gloomed” like Charlie Brown stumbling away from another setback.
Last night was surprisingly calm, all things considered. I told my husband, Peter, that he should not plan to get a good night’s sleep. I told him this because Peter has never had a cat, and yesterday, we adopted one.
America is rotting from within. Lethal illegal drugs are being trafficked into our nation. Criminals are running our cities. Teaching children unthinkable immoral acts is championed. Justice is dependent on your political party and personal views. The family has been redefined. Gender is a personal choice. Killing babies before birth is a convenience. Lies are declared as truth to sway the masses, and truth is based on feelings. Why is all this happening? Because of America’s insatiable desire to satisfy her own lusts, and the consequences of that perilous pursuit.
Individuals interested in becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) will have an opportunity to attend a “fasttrack” CNA course being offered here this summer through the Lamesa campus of Howard College.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331