Forrest Park undergoes preparations for festival
Getting Forrest Park ready for the thousands of visitors expected to attend the Chicken Fried Steak Festival this weekend means long hours and a lot of work for the city’s parks staff.
Getting Forrest Park ready for the thousands of visitors expected to attend the Chicken Fried Steak Festival this weekend means long hours and a lot of work for the city’s parks staff.
Faith Temple Dayspring Church at 1008 N. 7th Street is hosting a free concert starting at 7 p.m., May 3.
Kindergarten students from South Elementary visited the Lamesa Press Reporter and South Plains Printing among other local businesses on a field trip Thursday. The youngsters were in awe of the press printing machine.
City parks workers Robert Dimas and Derek Olivo fill up openings on the grounds near the pavilion in Forrest Park Wednesday. City crews were out this week to put on the final touches in preparing the park for the upcoming Chicken Fried Steak Festival.
Voters continue heading to the polls to cast their ballots during the early voting period for the May 4 elections.
A fund raiser is being held at Pedroza’s restaurant at 1501 Lubbock Hwy. from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., Sunday.
The Good Book’s Chapter 6 of Matthew provides challenging specifics on living the good life, but verse three seems most daunting. It concerns the importance of maintaining a chasm between the works of the left and right hands, perhaps as far as the east is from the west.
I ordered the sofa cover as soon as we adopted our new cat, Felix.
Agood name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.” (Proverbs 22:1) What do you think of that statement from the Bible? It should make you stop and reflect on the kind of life you are living.
There’s been a few slight changes at the local post office in its operating hours and services.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331