San Juana Barrioz
Chapel funeral service for San Juana Barrioz, age 66, of Lamesa, TX will be held at 2:00 p.m.
Chapel funeral service for San Juana Barrioz, age 66, of Lamesa, TX will be held at 2:00 p.m.
Vista Park, a planned housing development in the northwest part of town, garnered the Lamesa City Council’s approval Tuesday for a 100-percent tax abatement over a five year period.
The coronavirus pandemic has curtailed some homecoming traditions, but it has not put a complete halt to the annual event.
Changes in school activities due to the coronavirus pandemic has not only affected the classroom, but has trickled down to businesses who make and sell homecoming mums.
Lamesa’s elementary schools celebrated this weekend’s Grandparents Day a bit early on Friday, inviting grandparents to drive by in a parade and greet the students as they lined the streets around both South Elementary (shown) and North Elementary. Jimmy and Kay Beatty (right) were waving U.S. fl ags as they drive by South Elementary. LPR photos by Mary Elizabeth Davis
Twelve new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported here on Wednesday and Thursday, according to the South Plains Health District.
Public opposition and frustration regarding the decision by the Dawson County Hospital District’s board of directors to extend the contract of Chief Executive Officer Letha Stokes continued to be voiced during a special called meeting of the board this past Thursday.
A pair of public hearings are scheduled before members of the Dawson County Commissioners Court take a formal vote Tuesday afternoon to adopt the county’s new budget and tax rate for the coming year.
The following were among the many calls received recently by the Lamesa Police Department:
Election officials expect a big turnout for the presidential and general election Nov. 3, though they are not seeing a horde of new voters registering to vote.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331