Lamesa Press-Reporter
Robert Loyd (Bob) Smith
Robert Loyd (Bob) Smith was born in Ackerly, Texas, on June 5, 1936, and died in Lubbock, Texas, on December 10, 2020. He enjoyed life during those 84 years.
Medical Arts Hospital Certifi ed Nursing Assistant Samantha Perez accepts a barbecue meal from Fatback Smokehouse worker Tessa Arguelles during the Friday lunch hour.
Hospital staff getting hazard pay
Dawson County Hospital District board directors unanimously agreed Thursday to provide a total of $437,668 in hazard pay for 128 full-time staff members at Medical Arts Hospital (MAH).
Local residents team up to feed hospital workers
Several local couples showed their appreciation to the staff at Medical Arts Hospital in a special way on Friday.
Rural hospitals miss out on first wave of vaccine
A vaccine against COVID-19 is coming, but it will take awhile before it makes its way to Dawson County.
COVID’s death toll rises
No new cases of COVID-19 were reported here Thursday by area health officials but the local death toll from the virus continues to grow.
A volunteer prepares to move a pallet loaded with boxes of food while others work to package and deliver the groceries to local residents in drive-thru fashion during the monthly distribution by th
Local food bank serving growing need
COVID-19 has inflicted a lot of changes since it appeared last spring.
New city administrator quits before even starting new job
TAHOKA- The search for a new Tahoka city administrator took another unusual turn last week when the newly named administrator Derek Stephens decided to decline the position before ever beginning hi