Hospital board will seek to break tax rate deadlock
Dawson County Hospital District board members are returning to the table Tuesday to hash out a preliminary tax rate that twice failed to win approval this past week.
Dawson County Hospital District board members are returning to the table Tuesday to hash out a preliminary tax rate that twice failed to win approval this past week.
After using reserves to help balance the budget last year without a tax increase, directors of the Mesa Underground Water Conservation District are considering a small tax increase for the coming y
A joint meeting of the local economic development boards that had to be cancelled due to a lack of a quorum last Monday has been rescheduled for this coming Monday.
Perhaps the most current evidence that August falls into the “dog days” category appeared in “neighborhood news” the other day.
The unusual amount of rainfall this summer has created problems beyond flooding and an increase in mosquitos in Lamesa.
The weather in the Texas High Plains has posed different types of challenges for producers in the Plains Cotton Growers, Inc. (PCG) service area this year.
Water from a center-pivot irrigation system on a peanut fi eld shines in the early-morning light earlier this week, before widespread rains returned to the area.
Plains Ginners Association will host their Annual Meeting on Monday, August 23, at the FiberMax Center for Discovery in Lubbock.
The Texas Alliance for Water Conservation (TAWC) has set their 16th Annual Field Day for Thursday, August 19, 2021 at the FiberMax Center for Discovery in Lubbock.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331