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Back-to-school success

Back-to-school success

The start of the school year is an exciting time for many! Research shows that eating a healthy diet and participating in physical activity can help learning skills, attitudes, concentration, and attention which is not only helpful for students in the classroom but adults too. Educators, students, staff, and caretakers are all part of the new school year, and it is important that we practice several healthy back to school habits for a healthy and active school year.

Problems keeping up with progress

Problems keeping up with progress

The ditty written long ago is more accurate today than when pen met parchment. The exact wording may not be 100% accurate, but here’s how I remember its four lines: “How much I have seen and how much I have read, of the struggles of man to get ahead. But me, I ‘m busy – both body and mind – in the struggle to keep from getting behind.”


Lamesa Press-Reporter

P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331