Field of candidates for Texas House speaker narrows to one
Eight members of the Texas Legislature filed papers with the Texas Ethics Commission to declare themselves candidates for speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, and as of last week,
Eight members of the Texas Legislature filed papers with the Texas Ethics Commission to declare themselves candidates for speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, and as of last week,
As we draw closer to the Thanksgiving break, we at Lamesa Middle School have been excited with a great fall semester! We are proud of our athletes and the very
Gratitude is a fairly underrated quality. Thankfulness is the key to a happy life, so I do my best to count my blessings and be grateful to what I have.
More than 8.3 million of Texas’ 15.8 million registered voters cast ballots in the Nov. 6 general election, as shown in results posted by the secretary of state.
I love fall and winter weather. There are just so many simple pleasures that go well with the cold.
P.O. Box 710
Lamesa, TX 79331