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Confessions of a seasoned parent

When it comes to parenting, I’ve been around the block a time or two. Heck, I’ve practically worn out the course. My husband and I have even transitioned to the next generation of parenting, which is so great it can be described as “grand.” Our daughter and son-in-law are parents themselves and are embracing parenthood as only first-timers can. We’ve all been there. The dichotomy between parenting a first child and secondborn is substantial. With children further down the line, the phenomenon is exponentiated.

Losses and gains of parenthood

Losses and gains of parenthood

I’m experiencing parenthood all over again – through my daughter. To be honest, it’s easier watching it than actually living it. For sure there’s less sleep deprivation and wet, sticky kisses. But seeing her go through all the things I did has given me various perspectives that I don’t think I could have recognized back when I was in the trenches and up to my eyeballs in dirty diapers.


Lamesa Press-Reporter

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Lamesa, TX 79331